The Regional Science Centres (RSC) are developed across the India by the National Council for Science Museum (NCSM), Government of India. The NCSM collaborates with like-minded institutions and develop Science Centres/Museums for different States and Union Territories of India.
The RSC in Uttarakhand State is developed by NCSM in collaboration with Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology (UCOST) in its premise at VIGYAN DHAM, Jhajra, Dehradun.
Regional Science Centre in Uttarakhand State
The Science Park encompass Dinosaurs park, outer interactive exhibits based on scientific laws, and planetarium, while, the RSC building host Fun Science Gallery, Himalaya Gallery, Frontiers of Technology Gallery, Innovation Hub, 3D Theater, Auditorium of 200 sitting capacity, Exhibition Hall, Library and Meeting Hall. Some of the attractive features of the scientific law based interactive outer exhibit in Science park are Gravity chair, Whispering garden, Musical Bar, Sympathetic swing, Birding Cage, Eco tube, and Perspective house etc. along with proposed planetarium. In addition, Intelligent materials, New trend in nuclear power generation, cloud computing, Robotics, and Carbon nano-tube & graphense etc. are some of the attractive features of the inner exhibits in the RSC Building. The Himalaya Gallery depicts almost every subject related to Geology, geography, tourism, culture & traditional knowledge system of Himalaya through attractive exhibits. It also harbours replica of “holy Amarnath Cave”.
Motto or Objective of Regional Science Centre
Regional science centres and opened all around the country to popular science and to develop the scientific temper among the people. In order to harness the potential of education hub and tourism, RSC wll play a crucial role by developing a centre of choice of students and tourists.
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