Benefits of Integrating ICT into Pedagogy
1. ICT promote participation and collaboration of knowledge and skills. There are various resources available on the internet that can help students and teacher-educators to become creator of different texts and bodies of knowledge.
2. ICT promote global communication and collaboration. Teachers can facilitate interactions with diverse cultures, ethnicities, and religions, and social contexts. Students can be helped to challenging their thinking by considering other viewpoints.
3. ICT promote the critical analysis of pedagogy and literacies.
4. ICT create the potential for interactive spaces for authentic exchanges. Strategies including reading logs, book reviews, parental communication, encouraging reading and writing and responding around a particular theme or focus.
ICT promote Digital Citizenship
ICT support communication outside of the classroom
ICT harness the power of our own learning and evolve that learning through dialogue with others
ICT grow our learning beyond ourselves and begin to build knowledge with others
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