Today we people need information and knowledge in order to meet our basic needs, make decisions, move around, and participate in social, economic and cultural activities. And Information and technology is also playing an important role in changing the life disabled people.
“Disabled doesn’t means Disqualified“
With the advent of information and communications technology (ICT), new hopes are emerging for PwDs. ICT and assistive technology offer new opportunities for everyone, but these opportunities are specifically more significant for PwDs, who use assistive technology for their daily activities to a higher extent than people in general.
How ICT is empowering disabled teachers and students ?
ICT is one of the best way for inclusion of students and teachers with disabilities. Below are some common ways used :
- Internet broadband facility for persons with disabilities.
Most of schools and colleges today are providing internet facility to everyone especially for PwD’s, its making their life easy now they can easily interact with anyone they want. With the use of internet they are now increasing their participation in every field. But still there is need to improve internet speed, so that they can do their work at faster pace.
2. Distance E- learning Programs
With the use of ICT tools we people can share documents, videos, books with everyone and its going to help everyone who needs it.
3. Reading digital and audio libraries
Students with intellectual, hearing or reading disabilities, impaired sight, dyslexia and other disabilities are now able to follow educational courses via digital and audio libraries, accessing their material, content and resources via the Internet.
Please do share this video and make other people aware of these ICT tools and how they can change someone’s life.
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